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Sequence is dynamic modules. It's used for generating sequence in your application.

The solution for customizing the behavior of the SequenceModule is to pass it an options object in the static register() method. The options object is only contain one property:

  • enableController: enable or disable default sequence controller.

We will create a simple example demonstrating how to use the sequence module and customize authentication for the sequence controller.

// seq.controller.ts
import { SequencesController } from "@mbc-cqrs-serverless/sequence";
import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ApiTags } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import { Auth } from "src/auth/auth.decorator";
import { ROLE } from "src/auth/role.enum";

export class SeqController extends SequencesController {}
// seq.module.ts
import { SequencesModule } from "@mbc-cqrs-serverless/sequence";
import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";

import { SeqController } from "./seq.controller";

imports: [SequencesModule.register({ enableController: false })],
controllers: [SeqController],
exports: [SequencesModule],
export class SeqModule {}

Beside controller, we can directly use SequenceService to generating sequence by injecting service.

The SequenceService have only one public method:

async genNewSequence(
dto: GenSequenceDto,
opts: {
invokeContext: IInvoke

You can modify the behavior of the function by providing a GenSequenceDto object with certain properties:

  • date?: Date: By default, the function uses the current date, but if a specific date is provided, it will generate the sequence for that date instead.
  • rotateBy?: RotateByEnum: You can select one of five values from the RotateByEnum: fiscal_yearly, yearly, monthly, daily, and none. By default, the none type is used.
  • tenantCode and typeCode: You must provide the tenant code to identify the tenant and the type code for the intended purpose of usage.