1. Purpose
is a service for managing dynamic sequences in the system using DynamoDB as the primary database.
This service is designed to:
- Generate unique sequence numbers based on parameters such as sequence type, tenant, or date.
- Automatically reset sequences based on cycles like:
- Daily.
- Monthly.
- Yearly.
- Fiscal Yearly.
Format sequence numbers according to specific system requirements (e.g., TODO-PERSONAL-72-001). Ensure data consistency and integrity in multi-tenant systems.
2. Usage
The solution for customizing the behavior of the SequenceModule
is to pass it an options object
in the static register()
method. The options object is only contain one property:
: enable or disable default sequence controller.
We will create a simple example demonstrating how to use the sequence module and customize authentication for the sequence controller.
// seq.controller.ts
import { SequencesController } from "@mbc-cqrs-serverless/sequence";
import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ApiTags } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import { Auth } from "src/auth/auth.decorator";
import { ROLE } from "src/auth/role.enum";
export class SeqController extends SequencesController {}
// seq.module.ts
import { SequencesModule } from "@mbc-cqrs-serverless/sequence";
import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { SeqController } from "./seq.controller";
imports: [SequencesModule.register({ enableController: false })],
controllers: [SeqController],
exports: [SequencesModule],
export class SeqModule {}
Beside controller, we can directly use SequenceService
to generating sequence by injecting service.
The SequenceService
have three public methods:
async generateSequenceItem( dto: GenerateFormattedSequenceDto, options: {invokeContext:IInvoke}): Promise<SequenceEntity>
Generates a new sequence based on the parameters provided in the GenerateFormattedSequenceDto object.
dto: GenerateFormattedSequenceDto
The data transfer object that customizes the behavior of the sequence generation. Its properties include:
date?: Date
- Default: Current date.
- Description: Specifies the date for which the sequence is generated.
rotateBy?: RotateByEnum
- Default: none.
- Options
- fiscal_yearly
- yearly
- monthly
- daily
- none
- Description: Determines the rotation type for the sequence.
tenantCode: string
- Required: Yes.
- Description: Identifies the tenant and type code for the intended usage.
typeCode: string
- Required: Yes.
- Description: Identifies the tenant and type code for the intended usage.
params?: SequenceParamsDto
- Required: No.
- Description: Defines parameters to identify the sequence.
export class SequenceParamsDto {
code1: string
code2: string
code3?: string
code4?: string
code5?: string
constructor(partial: Partial<SequenceParamsDto>) {
Object.assign(this, partial)
The return value of this function has type of SequenceEntity
as follows:
export class SequenceEntity {
id: string
no: number
formattedNo: string
issuedAt: Date
constructor(partial: Partial<SequenceEntity>) {
Object.assign(this, partial)
By default, the returned data includes the formattedNo field with the format %%no%%
, where no
represents the sequence number. If you want to define your own custom format, you can update the master data in DynamoDB with the following parameters:
- PK:
- SK:
The data structure should be as follows:
"format": "string",
"registerTime": "string",
"registerMonth": "number"
For example, if you want to add code1
to code5
, month
, day
, date
, no
as well as fiscal_year
, into your format, the format would look like this:
"format": "%%code2#:0>7%%-%%fiscal_year#:0>2%%-%%code3%%%%no#:0>3%%"
In this format:
Variables are written inside
%% <param> %%.
After the #, the length of the variable is specified, indicating the desired length of the field when the formatted sequence number is returned. For instance:
ensures code2 is formatted to be 7 characters long, padding with leading zeros if necessary. -
formats fiscal_year to a length of 2 characters. -
represents the code3 value as it is. -
ensures the sequence number (no) is formatted to be 3 digits long, padded with leading zeros if necessary.
If you want to calculate the fiscal_year starting from any specific month, you can add the startMonth
field. For example, if you want the fiscal year to start from March, the format would look like this:
"format": "%%code2#:0>7%%-%%fiscal_year#:0>2%%-%%code3%%%%no#:0>3%%",
"startMonth": 3
In this case:
- startMonth: Defines the month to start the fiscal year (e.g., 3 for March).
If you want to calculate the fiscal year starting from a specific date (e.x 2005-01-01), you can add the registerDate
field, like this:
"format": "%%code2#:0>7%%-%%fiscal_year#:0>2%%-%%code3%%%%no#:0>3%%",
"registerDate": "2005-01-01"
In this case
- registerDate: Defines the exact start date of the fiscal year (e.g., "2005-01-01").
This allows you to customize the fiscal year calculation according to your specific business needs.
async getCurrentSequence(key: DetailKey): Promise<DataEntity>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
async genNewSequence( dto: GenSequenceDto, options: {invokeContext: IInvoke}): Promise<DataEntity>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. Use generateSequenceItem
method instead.