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The Master Service provides functionality for managing master data and settings in a multi-tenant environment


The Master Service consists of two main components:

Master Setting Service

  • Implements hierarchical settings management
  • Supports creation of settings at all levels
  • Provides update and delete operations for tenant settings
  • Implements cascading settings retrieval

Master Data Service

  • Implements CRUD operations for master data entities
  • Provides list and retrieval functionality
  • Includes code validation capabilities
  • Ensures data integrity across tenant boundaries


npm install @mbc-cqrs-serverless/master

Basic Usage

The solution for customizing the behavior of the MasterModule is to pass it an options object in the static register() method. The options object is only contain one property:

  • enableController: enable or disable default master controller.
import { MasterModule } from '@mbc-cqrs-serverless/master'

imports: [ MasterModule.register({
enableController: true,
controllers: [],
exports: [],

API Reference


The MasterSettingService interface manages settings at various levels user, group, tenant, common. It allows retrieving, updating, creating, and deleting settings.

getSetting(dto: GetSettingDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke }): Promise<MasterSettingEntity>

Retrieves a specific setting based on the provided setting code.

const masterSetting = await this.masterSettingService.getSetting(
code: "service",

createCommonTenantSetting(dto: CommonSettingDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke }): Promise<CommandModel>

Creates a common tenant setting that is shared across the system.

const masterSetting = await this.masterSettingService.createGroupSetting(
name: "common setting",
code: "service",
settingValue: {
region: "US",
plan: "common"

createTenantSetting(dto: TenantSettingDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke }): Promise<CommandModel>

Creates a tenant-specific setting.

const masterSetting = await this.masterSettingService.createGroupSetting(
name: "tenant setting",
code: "service",
tenantCode: "mbc",
settingValue: {
region: "US",
plan: "tenant"

createGroupSetting(dto: GroupSettingDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke }): Promise<CommandModel>

Creates a group-specific setting within a tenant.

const masterSetting = await this.masterSettingService.createGroupSetting(
name: "group setting",
code: "service",
tenantCode: "mbc",
groupId: "12",
settingValue: {
region: "US",
plan: "USER"

createUserSetting(dto: UserSettingDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke }): Promise<CommandModel>

Creates a user-specific setting within a tenant.

const masterSetting = await this.masterSettingService.createUserSetting(
name: "user setting",
code: "service",
tenantCode: "mbc",
userId: "92ca4f68-9ac6-4080-9ae2-2f02a86206a4",
settingValue: {
region: "US",
plan: "USER"

updateSetting(params: DetailKey, dto: UpdateSettingDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke }): Promise<CommandModel>

Updates an existing setting.

const masterSetting = await this.masterSettingService.updateSetting(
name: 'Example Master Setting',
settingValue: {
homepage: "url",
desc: "string"

deleteSetting(key: DetailKey, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke }): Promise<CommandModel>

Deletes a specific setting based on the provided key.

const masterSetting = await this.masterSettingService.deleteSetting(


The MasterDataService service provides methods to manage master data and operations. This includes listing, retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting data, as well as checking for the existence of specific codes.

list( searchDto: MasterDataSearchDto): Promise<MasterDataListEntity>

Lists master data based on the provided search criteria.

const masterData = await this.masterDataService.list(
tenantCode: "mbc",
settingCode: "service"

get(key: DetailDto): Promise<MasterDataEntity>

Get a master data by pk and sk.

const masterData = await this.masterDataService.get(

create(data: CreateMasterDataDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke })

Creates a new master data entity

const masterData = await this.masterDataService.create({
code: 'MASTER001',
name: 'Example Master Data',
settingCode: "service",
tenantCode: "COMMON",
attributes: {
homepage: "",
desc: "description for mbc"

update(key: DetailDto, updateDto: UpdateDataSettingDto, context: { invokeContext: IInvoke })

Updates existing master data.

const masterData = await this.masterDataService.update(
name: 'Example Master Data',
attributes: {
homepage: "",
desc: "description for mbc"

delete(key: DetailDto, opts: { invokeContext: IInvoke })

Deletes specific master data based on the provided key.

const masterData = await this.masterDataService.delete(

checkExistCode(tenantCode: string, type: string, code: string)

Checks if a specific code exists within the given tenant and type.

const masterData = await this.masterDataService.checkExistCode("mbc", "service", "01");